Seal Coating

Are you looking for a driveway seal coating near Southbury, CT?

Our driveways and walkways handle quite the pounding if you think about it–summer heat, winter ice and snow, salt, and ground settling. While concrete and asphalt are durable, they’re not perfect. Over time, they start to show wear through cracks and chips. Luckily, the life of your asphalt pavement can be extended with timely repair and maintenance.

Sealcoating is an affordable way to protect the pavement from the sun, air, weather, and traffic, as it doesn’t require the removal or replacement of the surface. However, it does require application by qualified professionals who know what they’re doing! Greg’s Lawn Care & Snow Removal provides detailed seal coating for your driveway or parking area with prompt and efficient customer service.

Ready to Get Started? Call Now! 203-510-6747

Are you looking for commercial seal coating in Roxbury, CT?

Parking lots last a long time, but only if they are correctly maintained. Sealing your asphalt parking lot is a cost-effective maintenance solution for preventing cracks from turning into potholes, extending its life. Greg’s Lawn Care & Snow Removal includes parking lot seal coating in its exterior maintenance service options for Thomaston area communities.

With seal coating, you’ll enjoy many more years out of your driveway and parking lot with proper care and prevent extensive (and expensive) repairs. Schedule Greg’s Lawn Care & Snow Removal for your seal coating in Roxbury, Goshen, Oxford, Bristol, and surrounding CT communities.